Scientific Publications
Scientific Publications
Publications related to CVD and RD by the collaborators in the ATACC-RD consortium
Executive Committee Members
Executive Committee Members
Past Executive Committee Members
K.Solbritt M. Rantapää Dahlqvist
Qualified as medical doctor at the University of Umeå, Sweden 1 Febr., 1973.
Qualified as a physician of the Swedish Health Authority 2 Sept., 1974.
Qualified as a Specialist in Rheumatology 23 June, 1981.
Qualified as a Specialist in Internal medicine 31 July, 1981.
Doctor of Medicine (Ph.D.), University of Umeå 27 Sept., 1985.
Associated professor in Rheumatology and Internal medicine 12 Dec., 1989.
Professor in Rheumatology, Umeå University , 5 May, 2000.
Previous employment:
Assistent physician at the Region Hospital in Boden 1971-1976 Assistent physician at the University Hospital in Umeå 1977-1981.
Consultant in Rheumatology, University Hospital, Umeå 1981 to 30 Sept 1991.
During that period research fellow 1980-86 1 year and 4 months.
Research fellow 1996-97 UCSF, San Francisco, Ca, USA (prof Jon Levine’s lab)
Present position:
Consultant in Rheumatology, University Hospital, Umeå since 1 Oct., 1991 and professor since 5 May 2000